Sunday, April 02, 2006

Nothing much

I think my title says it all. Had a good week at school. I began a differentiated unit on buoyant force, so the kids are all set for this coming week. I love these units because it forces me to plan ahead. The kids like it because they know what to do and they get stamped as they go along, so they feel they are doing something. Also, they get much more one-on-one attention and instant feedback on their assignments. I like that part, too. The ony thing is that my student teacher (oh, didn't I tell you I had a student teacher? Well, there you have it) will be observed on Tues, right in the middle of this unit. His supervisor is all about cutting edge education, and differentiation is a big buzz-word in education right now, so hopefully it'll go well for him. Traditionally, his super has seen him lead the class during a lecture and a lab. Now she'll see him in the middle of controlled chaos.

OK-back to me. :) On Friday Tim and I ate out. There's this restaurant in town that's always busy and popular with the locals. It's one of those places where you cook your own meat. In a nutshell, we waited an hour in the bar (the service there was good and the onion rings tasty) for our table and waited some more for our waitress who looked like she had better nights. The food was blah and not worth it. I couldn't understand it. The folks at the next table were saying over and over how much they luuuuvvvved this place. bleh. This month we'll definitely eat some better food.


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