Now We're Writtin' and Knittin'
All of a sudden this joke became something we could possibly do. I mean, I had already hoped to meet some local knitters on our trip, buy some yarns, maybe pick up a pattern or two. Perhaps use knitting as a way through the language barrier. Tim actually thought it would be a neat thing. We could mention the culture, animals the yarn was spun from, how they knitted. Of course, there would be color photos and it was what I wanted to do anyway, but then we'd come back and I'd write it up and get it published. O.M.G. Now it's scary serious.
So I googled "knitting around the world" and didn't really find what we're proposing on the first three pages. Hmmmm..... maybe we can actually do this. Obviously we aren't planning on getting rich this way, but it would be neat to be published, sign a few copies, and it would be cool to see other people reading and enjoying what we wrote. I should say "I wrote" as I see myself as the main author. Tim would be the intrepid photographer.
I'm just putting this idea out there. Planting the seed in the blogosphere and seeing what blooms.